Get Involved

At Our Lady of the Rosary, we welcome the opportunity to work collaboratively with parents in a variety of ways.

Some examples of the different ways parents may become involved, include:

  • assisting in classrooms
  • taking reading groups
  • assisting to facilitate extracurricular activities
  • coaching sporting teams
  • acting as officials at sporting events
  • assisting in the school library
  • fundraising
  • assisting at school excursions and camps


Parents Involvement

All parents are encouraged to participate in the many events during the school year. Volunteers will be called for throughout the year. It is a great opportunity to socialise whilst helping OLOR at the same time.

Start the Volunteer and Contractor Training

Volunteer Training

We welcome the contribution volunteers make to the life of our school.

As we are committed to keeping students safe, all volunteers in schools are required to complete the building child safe communities undertaking form and child protection training module before volunteering. These checks reduce potential risk and forms part of our strategy to build child safe communities.

Start Your Online Training